Interface IUIControl
A UI control is an object which has events like mouse click, to help the user interact with it. A UI control also has a skin component, for customing its look. All other GUIs (buttons, checkboxes, textboxes, etc) are also a UI control.
Inherited Members
Namespace: AGS.API
Assembly: AGS.API.dll
public interface IUIControl : IUIEvents, ISkinComponent, IObject, IEntity, IComponentsCollection, IEnumerable<IComponent>, IEnumerable, IHasRoomComponent, IAnimationComponent, IInObjectTreeComponent, IInTree<IObject>, IColliderComponent, IVisibleComponent, IEnabledComponent, ICustomPropertiesComponent, IDrawableInfoComponent, IShaderComponent, ITranslateComponent, IImageComponent, IBorderComponent, IScaleComponent, IRotateComponent, IPixelPerfectComponent, IPixelPerfectCollidable, IHasModelMatrix, IScale, IRotate, ITranslate, IHasImage, IModelMatrixComponent, IBoundingBoxComponent, IWorldPositionComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, INotifyPropertyChanged